那個少女不多情之脫的疑惑 香港三級片

那個少女不多情之脫的疑惑 香港三級片


一天,Ivy在夜總會裡遇到了她的青梅竹馬的朋友Jean,Jean邀請Ivy去她家做客,Ivy在那裡遇到了Jean的父親。 Jean的父親被年輕、漂亮、開朗的Ivy深深打動,而Ivy也在Jean的父親身上找到了她從未體驗過的獨特感覺。兩人一見鍾情。然而,由於兩人的生活方式和年齡差異,他們的關係並不長久,不滿和爭吵使Ivy離開了Jean的父親……。

Ivy runs into her childhood friend Jean in a night club one day. Jean invites Ivy to her home where Ivy meets Jean’s father. Jean’s father was deeply attacked by Ivy who is young, pretty and open-minded, and Ivy also finds unique feeling in Jean’s father which she has never experienced. They fall in love instantly. However, due to their different lifestyle and age differences, their relationship doesn’t last long, dissatisfaction and argument caused Ivy to Leave Jean’s father behind….

Date: 30 8 月, 2020
女優: 吳雪雯 / 姚正箐